We have been wanting to move for the last little while, because it was getting hard to haul our laundry to Payson every Sunday and try and get 6 loads done in just a short amount of time. So I would check Ksl several times a day trying to find somewhere with a washer and dryer or at least hook ups.
We couldn't really find any in our price range, so my mom gave me the idea to look the old fashioned way (in the newspaper classifieds) we found our new apartment and moved in a week after looking at it and paying the deposit. It was a hard adjustment at first because our landlord changed our contract dates on us and so we had to end up selling our contract before April 5th or we would of had to pay 2 months rent, which we couldn't afford. I won't lie I cried a few times over how stressed everything was, and how I questioned if we were "supposed" to move when we did. It finally sold a week ago, and so there has been a HUGE burden lifted off our shoulders. We love our new place; there is more room, more storage and a bigger kitchen which I like.
Crue update:
With all the moving, and cleaning our old apartment Crue got a cold.....again. I hate that he got sick again, but I am not sure if it was very avoidable. I feel like a horrible mom because of how many colds he has gotten in the last 2 months. I dress him warm, and try not to get him around any sick kids but I guess it just happens. Here are a couple things that Crue is up to at 8 months.
1. He loves sitting up and playing, he started sitting up (unsupported) at about 6.5 months.
2. He loves every kind of baby food, although he isn't to fond of green beans.
3. He flaps his arms really fast when he is excited. (I love it), I should get a video of that one.
4. Every time we eat dinner or he see's someone eating he gets excited and annoyed that he isn't getting any food.
5. He is very good natured, he is content playing with his toys for a little while at least.
6. He sleeps so good, we usually put him to bed around 10 or 10:30 and he sleeps until 8-9 am. He also still takes a morning nap and a late afternoon nap.
7. He started to play in the bath at about 6.5 months. I think at first he wasn't to sure about it.
8. He wants to crawl so bad, but he can't figure it out. He gets on his stomach and reaches for something and just kicks his legs as fast as he can.
9. He is definitely a momma's boy, he snuggles into my neck and gives me slobbery kisses.
10. He loves anything electronic, he studies anything and everything including his feet. He could stare at his feet ALL day.
11. He loves wearing hats and shoes (he takes after me, I love shoes).
I could go on and on, I love him. Being a mom is hard and there are days that I would like to just sleep in and not worry about anything, but I wouldn't change being a mom for ANYTHING. Crue has brought so much to my life and to our lives.