
Life is hard!

Life is so hard sometimes, well most of the time.  Me and Cody have been struggling with what we should be doing right now in our lives, money is always an issue and I wish it wasn't that way.  We have gotten family members opinions on what we should do, but it doesn't seem like its what WE want to do or what WE should do.  I am glad that I have a husband to help me along the way, because these difficult choices become a tad bit easier when you have someone there that you can rely on.

We are still not sure what we will do for school, but I know for sure that I want to be happy and hope that everything will work out, we need to learn to rely on the Lord and pray!!!

Wish us luck!!

1 comment:

  1. I totally know how you feel. When we first got married I felt like everyone was telling us what to do with our lifes. When to have kids, where to live, where to go to school, where to work.... blah blah... but there is no one who can help you make a good decision like God can. You guys will do what you feel is right. Just make sure decisions like that are between you, your husband, and the Lord. You will find it easier to make decisions if you aren't including everyone in their dog about it :) Trust me, I have been there :) Hahaha. Good luck!!
